
The gaming industry faces fragmentation with in-game assets limited to specific games, leading to underutilisation.

In the current gaming industry, there exists a significant fragmentation in the way in-game assets and cosmetics are handled across different games and platforms. Players invest time and resources into acquiring these digital items, yet their value and utility are often confined to the specific game or genre for which they were created. This limitation restricts the potential for these assets to be appreciated and utilized to their fullest extent.

Furthermore, the existing infrastructure for in-game asset transactions is predominantly centralised, leading to issues such as high transaction fees, slow processing times, and security vulnerabilities. This centralised model also often results in a lack of transparency and control for the users involved in these transactions.

Centralized transaction systems cause high fees, slow processing, and security issues. A decentralized marketplace using technologies like SCL on Bitcoin could enable secure, efficient cross-game trading, enhancing asset value and gaming experiences.

The gaming community is in need of a unified, decentralized marketplace that can support the seamless and secure exchange of in-game items and game content across various games and genres. This platform will facilitate swift, low-cost microtransactions, thereby unlocking the true value of in-game assets and enhancing the overall gaming experience. 🚀

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